What Memorial Day Means to Me

Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day because of the early tradition of placing flowers, wreaths, and flags on graves, is a day dedicated to remembering those who have died while serving our country. The national observance date was shifted to the last Monday of May in 1971 by federal lawmakers, although in several states, Memorial Day is still observed every May 30.

But more than just a long weekend where we take time off from work, what does Memorial Day really mean to us?

Here’s what some of us in the Medstar Team think:

Memorial Day has always been very memorable for me. It’s hard to forget that one day every year when every family takes out their flag and enjoys great food with other friends. I think that more than these barbecues and show of flags, we should never forget what this day is for—it’s for remembering those who died for our country, whether they’re family or not.
It bothers me that Memorial Day in this generation seems to have turned into a mere three-day weekend, where we watch Netflix, go to the beach or have some barbecue with friends. I think it is time that we pay close attention to this important day and give a more meaningful acknowledgement to those who have served our country.
Memorial Day is not a time to buy cheap linens, beds, vehicles, or anything else. It is neither a joyous nor a political day. It is a time when we remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice–Those who gave their lives, time, and talents so that the rest of us can enjoy our freedom! To me, this is a day of contemplation, grief, and thankfulness for all our heroes, as well as for the Gold Star families who have lost a child, spouse, or parent.

Memorial Day is a day set aside to remember those who died while serving in the military. It is a highly personal day for many who lost loved ones while serving the country. There are a few essential Memorial Day traditions that we may honor such as hanging our flags at half staff, visiting local veterans' cemeteries, and many other meaningful traditions.

Medstar recognizes and honors the sacrifices made by men and women who died while in service. We are delighted to provide our safe and reliable services to families who have lost their loved ones in the military, as well as veterans who have dedicated their life to safeguarding our country.