National Nutrition Month

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? It is an annual campaign that started in 1973 in response to the growing interest in nutrition.

The theme of this year’s National Nutrition Month is Celebrate a World of Flavors. According to registered dietitian nutritionist Libby Mills, "Celebrating the cultural heritage, traditions, and recipes from all people is a tasty way to nourish ourselves, learn about one another, and find appreciation in our diversity." Thus, everyone is encouraged to learn about making informed food choices and creating healthy eating and physical activity habits during this month-long observance.

Healthy food is essential regardless of our age and gender, but it is likely that we do not pay enough attention to it, take shortcuts, and are blissfully unaware of the harm we may be doing to ourselves and the environment. A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist can help you work towards developing healthy habits while also introducing you to new foods and flavors. To find a registered dietitian nutritionist near you, use the Academy's online Find an Expert service. We at Medstar can bring you to your appointments through our safe and reliable transportation services so you can start your healthy eating journey now!