Medstar Transportation

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A New Focus on Mental and Social Wellness this 2023

Whenever we think about New Year’s day, New Year’s resolutions always come to mind. The beginning of 2023 presents a great opportunity to place a stronger emphasis on health and wellness.

If there is something that the recent years under the pandemic has taught us, it is that health and wellness are paramount. According to the World Health Organization, health is not the mere absence of disease but involves physical, mental, and social wellness. 

A new year presents us with fresh opportunities and stronger resolve to do better in the areas of mental and social wellness, acknowledging that all aspects of health influence each other. We, at Medstar, have compiled 8 easy steps that you can do to restore personal balance and wellness. 

Mental Wellness

The Global Wellness Institute defines mental wellness as the ability to think, feel, connect, and function while remaining resilient against and thriving amidst challenges and demands. Mental wellness is subjective, self-directed and is dependent on self-care and personal agency. To maintain mental wellness, we must proactively do things that increase our capacity to pursue a higher level of happiness, meaning, and purpose.

Here are four simple suggestions to get you started on the path to mental wellness:

  1. Get adequate sleep. 

  2. Meditate. 

  3. Use a journal.

  4. Connect with nature. 

Social Wellness

The Washington State University defines social wellness as the ability to create authentic and meaningful interactions with those within our communities while navigating our various roles. Social wellness is evident in good communication skills, developing intimacy with others, and maintaining a network of friends and family members. 

Try the four easy steps to get you started on the path to social wellness:

  1. Spend more time with loved ones

  2. Begin a hobby. 

  3. Schedule check-in with friends. 

  4. Serve.  

Caring for those who Care 

At Medstar, we believe that better mobility can improve overall health and wellness. Our brand promise is driving health and happiness through safe service. Our services include ADA-compliant, wheelchair-accessible vehicles and highly-trained professional drivers. We are the trusted partner of institutions committed to enhancing health and happiness such as the Veterans Administration, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, and Harborview Medical Center. 

If you want to learn more about how we can help you in your health and wellness pursuit, message us at 509-822-5803 or contact us now.