March 2023 Newsletter

Championing our Women Drivers

The month of March marks the International Women's Day (IWD). This day, we commemorate women’s achievements in various areas and commit to accelerating women's equality. March is also the perfect month to put a spotlight on our women drivers.

Women have made great strides in terms of representation during the past century. In the 1920s, only 1 in 5 women were working, typically in roles like clerks, waitresses, teachers, or factory workers. Women’s options have since expanded but many industries continue to be male-dominated. For example, in the transportation industry, only one in five drivers is a female.

In contrast, Medstar takes pride that 43.6% of our drivers are females. We see our female drivers as essential partners in our aim to drive health and happiness through service. Their natural attention to detail, great communication and people skills, and an inherent sensitivity to others make women an important contributor to the NEMT industry. 

In most cases, it is exactly the opportunity to work with people that attracts female drivers in this career. According to Dana, "I chose to be a NEMT driver because it allows me to help all kinds of people. I thrive on the positive feelings these interactions reward me. I am a very social person and enjoy seeing or making clients smile."

Working with people has allowed women drivers to find purpose in their role.

“My clients inspire me in many ways. I see clients who are as healthy as can be and some who find it difficult to even get up and start the day. Regardless, they keep going and that inspires me to keep doing what I am doing,” shares Brigid.

She further advises, “Don't think of your job as just you driving people from place to place. It is more than that. It involves you being dedicated, able to communicate, open-minded, compassionate, respectful, caring, a listener, and one who is passionate about people's needs, has a love for driving, and is a team player.” 

This Women’s Month, we stand with others in celebrating and championing the unique gifts our women drivers offer. We revel in the idea that we have women of all kinds and of various colors in our company. This diversity has brought with it greater innovation and ideas, and has amplified our ability to better connect and serve our clients.

Again, Happy Women’s Day!

Read more updates about Medstar by downloading our March 2023 Newsletter Issue.