October 2022 Newsletter

Pioneer Drivers in Omak and Tonasket

Medstar has been providing accessible rides since 1984, and our family just keeps growing! We recently introduced two new service locations in Okanogan County, Washington State: Omak and Tonasket. With this expansion, we were able to welcome two pioneer drivers into the growing Medstar family.

As pioneer drivers, they play a significant role in building the trust of our clients and representing Medstar in Omak and Tonasket. To get more insight, we recently interviewed them about how they got into Medstar, the training procedures, the work environment, and how they are liking the job so far.


We are happy to welcome our two new drivers to the Medstar family. We are certain that they will uphold the quality of our services and will always put our client’s safety and comfort first. Medstar Transportation is actively recruiting more drivers in Okanogan County and many other locations across Washington State. If you know someone who is interested in becoming a driver, just send an email to careers@gomedstar.com, and we’ll take care of the rest.